My Trip to Costo

I went to Costco on my way home from work tonight to pick up something for my stepson’s birthday and to get some laundry soap. I also picked up a rack of babyback ribs for dinner…mmmmmm.

So there I am with my three items standing in line patiently waiting my turn despite the fact that the people in front of me had more than $500 worth of sandwich fixings in two carts(seriously)! I wonder if they’re going out to serve sandwiches to the homeless?

Anyway, I am a people watcher, so as I stood waiting for the sandwich makers in front of me to complete their transaction I scanned the crowd around me.  I just happened to glance over at the guy in line next to me, He was a young man, probably in his early 30’s, and he was wearing a t-shirt that says:

What really got my attention was that he was standing there wearing THAT t-shirt holding two HUGE boxes of these:

What would you have done?

Me? I wanted to pull out my cell phone and snap a picture of him. Instead, I “snickered” and made a mental note to come home and blog about it!

P.S. The photo of the t-shirt is not the actual person that I saw at Costco. I would never take a picture of someone without their knowledge or permission and post it on my blog! I did a Google search and found the pic that I used!